Say goodbye to brand shame and imposter syndrome for good. You're different. Let's build you a bold and strategic personal brand to show it.

How to create a basic content marketing strategy for your personal brand

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I'm the bubbly blonde brand strategist and founder here at Sheisbold OBSESSED with helping Christian women like you build bold and strategic brands so you can stand out and sell. Ready, to quit looking and sounding like everyone else? I don't blame you. Holler.

hi, i'm samantha

You’re here because you know that none of the other marketing strategies in the world matter if your brand content is poopđŸ’©…or at least, you know now. đŸ€— Starting a content marketing strategy for your personal brand from scratch can be overwhelming and time-consuming (especially if you’re like me and like to overcomplicate thingsđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž), so today I’m teaching you how to create a basic content marketing strategy! By the end of this post you’ll be able to:

  • Know what a content marketing strategy even is and why you need one before any other marketing strategy,
  • learn the 5 basic steps to create a basic content marketing strategy for your personal brand,
  • and get some done-for you examples to get the creative juices flowing.



Ready, set, let’s hit it.

How to create a basic content marketing strategy for your personal brand

First, what is a content marketing strategy?

Content marketing strategy is basically the plan you use to provide your audience with consistent content that provides them with so much relevant, value that they go from complete strangers to loyal fans and dollar bills. đŸ€‘

Why do you need a content marketing strategy for your personal brand?

Think about it, how many personal brands do you buy from without connecting with them on a deeper level? Without knowing what they stand for or understanding how they can best help you?

You need a content marketing strategy for your personal brand because:

  • It allows you to share your story and connect with your audience on an emotional level– This Harvard professor and book writer says 95% of all purchasing decisions are made subconsciously, mostly driven by emotion.
  • It builds your authority and gives you credibility in your specified niche
  • It allows you to get found on search engines
  • It showcases how you solve problems for your readers
  • It’s how you serve your audience and give value outside of your products and services
  • It provides you with a written plan to take intentional action from
  • It gives you the opportunity to learn what your readers like, dislike, and want more of
  • When done well, consistently- you become the go-to for your area of expertise


I could go on, but in short, marketing by textbook definition is the promoting and selling of your goods and services…So if you’re promoting lackluster, useless-to-your-readers-content, it won’t convert to sales and therefore makes every other marketing strategy a total waste of your time. đŸ˜«

Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen, k? K!

How to create a basic content marketing strategy for your personal brand

1)Know your mission statement

Your mission statement explains who you currently serve, with what, how you uniquely do that, and why. Keep this statement tattooed or placed nearby because it’s the heartbeat of every marketing decision you make and the starting point for any successful content marketing strategy.

Write down:

  • Who specifically you serve
  • What you offer
  • How you uniquely offer it
  • Why you offer it (ie: “so they can


2) List out what problems your ideal client is struggling with.

Remember Step 1 and knowing specifically WHO you serve– List out the problems that that person is specifically struggling with because your products or services should help them solve that exact problem.

Here’s some specific examples I’ve used in the past to help you get the creative juices flowing for writing down super specific problems:

– She’s over downloading all the marketing freebies and half-watching webinars

– She’s a genius at her craft and knows exactly where she wants to go, but has no clue how to actually get there…she needs a roadmap
– She’s got more money than time, she wants her marketing strategy done for her ASAP

The more specific you can be about your exact ideal client problems, the more relatable (and convertible) your content and offerings will be.

3) Identify your content marketing goals.

Hint: Your content marketing goals should be to sell the products or services you have to offer.

Write down specifically what you plan to sell with your content marketing strategy.

I know “write down” may seem cliche, but don’t just take my word for it…The internet streets are flooded with stats that people who write down their goals have anywhere from a 40-80% higher success rate of achieving them. 😳😳😳

A goal statement might look something like:

I will create content that speaks to my ideal client’s pain point of time this month to sell my 6 month done-for-you marketing coaching package.

By also stating the time you hope to achieve this goal (“this month”) , you can easily prioritize the content ideas that you come up with next.

4) Brain dump content ideas that encompass all of the above.

Start jotting down a list of the first things that come to mind as you think about your goal statement.

For example, using the above goal statement as reference..if my goal is to talk about my ideal client’s pain point of time (and would naturally segue into a sale for my 6-month marketing coaching program)… my brain dump list of content ideas might look something like:

– 9 tips to save time marketing your small business online
– How to not waste time with Facebook ads anymore
– My go-to marketing hacks to save you more time on Instagram

5)Write down specific dates and content topics for your content marketing strategy and schedule the tasks associated with it.

Using the same examples above about time-saving content and pointing people to my goal of my marketing coaching program

A written content marketing strategy schedule might look something like this:

Goal: To sell five 6-month marketing coaching packages by June 1.

Strategy: To create time-saving blog post and social media content for female entrepreneurs that points them to sign up for my email list where I will pitch them my coaching package on June 1.

The week of May 1st:

– Schedule blog post “9 tips to save time marketing your small business online” with a call to action to sign up for my email newsletter.
– On social media, share stories of how I wasted so much time marketing my business by doing x,y, z things and how I wrote a blog post so they won’t make the same mistakes
– On social media, promote my free check list to save time blogging

The week of May 7th

The week of May 14th…

And so on…

Tip: Consider how many blog posts you need to create this month, when you will publish them and start by marking those on your calendar and filling in the rest of your social media captions and story content with relevant personal stories, failures, triumphs, etc. to promote it. A content marketing strategy for your personal brand  should be PERSONAL so make sure you’re infusing your story along the way and sharing all about it on social media so people can connect with you!

And there you have it, with these 5 essential steps you’ll have a basic, but effective  content marketing strategy up and running in no time.

Want more than basic info for your content marketing strategy? Make sure you’re on our members-only email list to get first dibs on our exclusive content not found anywhere else on the blog and get a sneak peek of the soon-to-launch She Is Bold product shop.

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