4 Bible verses every entrepreneur needs to memorize | sheisbold.com

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4 Bible verses every entrepreneur needs to memorize

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I'm the bubbly blonde brand strategist and founder here at Sheisbold OBSESSED with helping Christian women like you build bold and strategic brands so you can stand out and sell. Ready, to quit looking and sounding like everyone else? I don't blame you. Holler.

hi, i'm samantha

Wanna know the quickest way to kill your entrepreneurial calling? Excuses. I know it because I’ve been guilty of it plenty of times… and I can’t have you doing the same, k?? That’s why I’m sharing the top 4 Bible verses every entrepreneur needs to memorize so you don’t kill your calling.

Entrepreneur excuse #1: I Don’t have enough time.

Ever say that you can’t answer your calling because you don’t have enough time to make that leap? Or maybe that you don’t have enough time to pursue that other idea He’s laid on your heart because you’re too busy with “everything else” or you “don’t have time” to pivot in your business? You aren’t alone, but here’s the truth: He will give you exactly everything you need (time included!) to pursue your calling.

The truth: 2 Thessalonians 1:2 “Our God gives you everything you need, makes you everything you’re to be.”

Thought to ponder: If you don’t have enough time to answer your calling then perhaps you’re spending time doing things you were never intended to do? Also, did you catch that last part of the verse? He will “MAKE” you everything you’re to be- not YOU have to figure it out on your own.đŸ€Ż

Entrepreneur excuse #2: I don’t have the money.

Do you catch yourself saying that you would answer your calling *IF* you had the money? Trust me, I’ve had my share of $0 months and know all too well that balancing financial struggle and good stewardship is REAL. I’ve spent more time than I care to admit saying I need to do projects WELL and if I can’t do it “well” (aka “perfect” like in my mind) then I might as well not do it at all. I even used the excuse that because I couldn’t afford professional services that somehow my DIY attempt at projects would disappoint God or somehow not be enough. Cue the face palm because that ish is just an EXCUSE. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž

The truth: 2 Kings 4:2 “‘What can I do to help you?’ Elisha asked. ‘Tell me, what do you have in the house?’ ‘Nothing at all, except a flash of olive oil’ she replied.”

Thought to ponder:  What’s in your house? What do you have access to that you can use RIGHT NOW? A free graphic design service like Canva? A free Facebook group you’ve been too timid to reach out in? Consider swapping services for fair trade instead of paying to next-level your business or collaborate with more folks to build your network and learn of more affordable resources.

Entrepreneur excuse #3: I don’t know what to say.

Don’t get me started on how many times I’ve NOT shown up on Instagram because I felt like I didn’t know what to say or thought that no one would care. Whether you’re feeling in the same boat or you legitimately don’t know what to say but you feel called to… JUST GO– and lean on this truth 👇

Truth: Exodus 4:12 “Now go! I will help you speak and teach you what to say!”

Entrepreneur excuse #4: People will hate on me

Yep, the internet trolls are real…and all the nay-saying family members and skeptical friends too, Amen? Go take a look at any mega-church or well-known pastor’s page too and you can thumb through comments rather quickly and see just how many haters hate on even Biblical truths! But here’s the thing, we already KNOW there will be haters and that being obedient invites opposition, the more important thing to remember is that we’re still called to be obedient to the call He has for US and to be faithful regardless. 

Truth: John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Thought to ponder: What message have you been avoiding talking about out of fear of trolls? Out of fear of making others mad? Out of fear of someone questioning your theology? If God calls you to share a message that’s been laid on your heart and it’s in line with the Bible- then GO. 💃💃💃

I can list out a million other excuses I’ve made as an entrepreneur myself that have killed my faith and calling:

  • I don’t have pretty enough images…
  • I’m too quirky

  • I don’t like attention

  • I want to “save” this post for a “better” day

  • No one is “liking” my stuff anyways

  • I don’t have time to pray

  • I can’t tell if I’m hearing from Him “correctly”…
  • That other influencer just said we shouldn’t talk about those things (or that they are somehow “wrong”)…
  • I don’t really think I’m a “leader”…
  • That dream is impossible…

But ya’ll these are just lies. That’s why I’m crazy passionate about writing about things like:

At the end of the day, I want you to know your calling isn’t actually about you anyways, it’s about God.😘 

And I’m on a personal mission to make sure Christian women entrepreneurs worldwide have ZERO excuse not to be the successful entrepreneur they were called to be– to hear from trusted experts, access affordable strategies, and build/have a community of bold, like-minded women to link arms with. So if you haven’t already, make sure you sign up for our free membership platform that’s launching soon so you can ditch the excuses FOR GOOD👇

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