Guest post: Mothering is kingdom work |

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Guest post: Mothering is kingdom work

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I'm the bubbly blonde brand strategist and founder here at Sheisbold OBSESSED with helping Christian women like you build bold and strategic brands so you can stand out and sell. Ready, to quit looking and sounding like everyone else? I don't blame you. Holler.

hi, i'm samantha

Guest blog post by Cassandra Speers of Speer and Arrows

Are you drowning in a sea of laundry? Do you ever feel like you’re treading water just to make it through the day? Do you find yourself just not nailing this whole #MOMLIFE thing?! Can I tell you a secret? Me too.

It’s easy to take my eyes off of Jesus and when I take my eyes off of him I inevitably begin to sink.

Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and instantly sank. Matthew 14:28-33

How often do I take my eyes off the Lord?

Motherhood is the most sanctifying and beautiful mess I’ve ever had the privilege of walking through. It can be easy to look to the world to feel valued and praised in our motherhood through work and social media instead of the Lord.

Who is defining my motherhood, the world or the word? 

It can be tempting to idolize our career or businesses. Work offers a great escape where our work can be measured and recognized. . . I’m the first to admit I gravitate towards work to feel validated because I’m goal oriented. Who doesn’t like to see the fruit of their labor?! When I idolize my job I am taking my eyes off of Jesus.

Do you ever find yourself comparing your life to strangers on the internet to gauge how you’re doing? Listen, I get it! Momming doesn’t exactly offer  “likes” or engagement to measure our performance.

What does the word say about this?

“ Oh, don’t worry; we wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant! “ 2 Corinthians 10:12

Ouch. Is it just me or did that hit you like a freight train?! GUILTY!

Comparison creeps in and whispers you’re not enough. It criticizes everything about your parenting skills or lack thereof. It pokes and prods at your insecurities and it steals your joy. It tells you everyone else has it all figured out, so what’s your deal?

These are all lies from the enemy! We’re all a hot mess, so don’t compare yourself to others. You’ll always fall short. The standards of this world are unobtainable. It’s a good thing that God judges us by a standard of grace, not perfection. That feeling of shame and inadequacy didn’t come from God. When I compare myself to others, I’m taking my eyes off of Jesus.

Mothering is a full-time job. Our work can easily go unnoticed and undervalued. We often carry the invisible load, the never-ending to-do lists, and the late night shifts.

Motherhood can feel mundane and overwhelming all at once but it’s truly a radical calling.

When I get to Heaven the amount of dirty laundry I did will be inconsequential but I will be held accountable for what I did with the precious lives I was entrusted with.

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like ARROWS in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the WOMAN whose quiver is full of them.

Psalm 127:3-5

He cares about how they are raised.

Mothering is kingdom work!

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