Feeling burnt out and purposeless in your business? Do this. | sheisbold.com

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Feeling burnt out and purposeless in your business? Do this.

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I'm the bubbly blonde brand strategist and founder here at Sheisbold OBSESSED with helping Christian women like you build bold and strategic brands so you can stand out and sell. Ready, to quit looking and sounding like everyone else? I don't blame you. Holler.

hi, i'm samantha

Written by Carrie Postma: Founder of the Codex Planner, shop owner, and lover of everything true, lovely, and good.

Have you ever felt completely undone or lacking purpose in your business? Me too. Bare with me for a second while I share a little scenario that sparked an idea, which led to a prayer that gave me the courage to launch my business and find my purpose.


I walk into church and the usher hands me a bulletin. I flip through the announcements to find the blank page or outline of the sermon. This is where I get to write down all the important quotes, scriptures and things I want to remember. Taking notes is my jam! (do people still say that?) As I walk out of the service, my kids are tugging at my arms, I’m searching for my husband in the crowd and saying hello to all the peoples. The notes I carefully took during service get shoved into my handbag or left on the seat. *PALM TO FOREHEAD*


Maybe you can relate, but I kept running into the same problems with church bulletins:

  1. They were always being lost.
  2. There wasn’t ever enough space for all my notes.
  3. When I didn’t lose the bulletins, they would either stay crumpled at the bottom of my handbag or float around my house until landing in the recycle bin.


I finally decided to design myself a little spiral notebook at Staples and I called it “Church Notes”. I loved having all my notes together in one notebook. It helped me to develop the discipline of looking back at my notes to reflect on the message.


I’m in my mid-forties and for most of my adult life, I have struggled to find my place and use my talents in God’s Kingdom. I knew God had given me special giftings in creativity, but I couldn’t understand how “making things pretty” was bringing people to Jesus.


I felt a deep stirring in my bones that there was more I could be doing to share God’s truth and grace. I finally sat down out of frustration and prayed something like this,


“So, what am I doing? How do you want to use me for your Kingdom because I feel a little lost and useless.”


His response was swift and gentle (as if He was just waiting for me to ask the question). He told me, “we are going to make a book.” and I completely freaked out. I’m not a writer, I make things pretty! Funny how when God gives us an answer we’ve asked for, we question, doubt or try to negotiate with him. *ANOTHER PALM TO FOREHEAD*


It was the little Church Notes book that urged me to create one of my first products for the Codex Planner. As I began creating more tools to help women discover an abundant relationship with God, I found my purpose and calling. Now, I wake up every day knowing that God has called me to create and design beautiful tools to help women foster a more intentional relationship with Him.


It took me way too long to have that conversation with God. Instead of just talking to Him, I spent years wandering around from different opportunities, businesses, and ministries searching for where my skills and passions would fit. I continued to find myself burnt out and always feeling purposeless. You know why? I was seeking answers without truly asking the questions.


It comes down to this… move forward on your dreams, make plans, set goals, hold meetings and continue reaching. The key is to invite God into it all. Ask Him for wisdom and guidance because we can make all the plans that seem right, but God will have the very best plan laid out. (Proverbs 16:9)



“What is my purpose in your Kingdom?”


You may discover you are already doing what He has called you to do, or maybe, He will give you a new perspective. Be willing to listen and write down everything you hear in your heart, even if it sounds crazy. For instance, when God told me we were going to make a book, I thought He wanted me to write/author a book, but instead, He took my creativity and organizational skills to make the Codex Planner!


When you put your heart before God, He will hold it with tenderness and protection. Ask Him for guidance, discernment, and courage to move forward.


My prayer for you & me:

Lord, I ask for your creativity, wisdom, and clarity to pour out over anyone reading this today. Provide boldness and courage to take steps toward the plan You have designed for us. You are a God of order so, we ask that you would bind up and destroy any fear, insecurity or confusion. We thank you for the vision and seeds you have planted in our hearts to raise up your Kingdom. We want to bring you honor and glory, in your Son’s name we pray, Amen.



I would love to give you a free sample of the Sermon Notes that got me started on the Codex journey. Click the graphic to sign-up and receive a sample page of the Sermon Notes to try out at the next church service. If you would like more resources in fostering a more abundant relationship with God, come visit my website  for Bible Studies, tools and workshops.


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