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How to pitch collaborations and get featured on social media

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I'm the bubbly blonde brand strategist and founder here at Sheisbold OBSESSED with helping Christian women like you build bold and strategic brands so you can stand out and sell. Ready, to quit looking and sounding like everyone else? I don't blame you. Holler.

hi, i'm samantha

I know “pitching” isn’t exactly most entrepreneurs go-to strategy and it can be crazy scary, BUT hear me out: Pitching is one of the easiest, fastest, and FREE ways to grow your business online and something so simple you can do it this WEEK! Learn how to pitch collaborations and get featured on social media (without feeling sleezy or insincere) today with:

  • 3 things you can and should pitch to grow your business online this week,
  • How each of these 5 things will grow your business online,
  • What you need to know before you pitch a collaboration so it doesn’t waste your time,
  • And plenty of pitching tips to boost your confidence and get featured on social media!


3 things you can and should pitch

01. Pitch to be a guest on a podcast

If speaking is your gift especially, you should totally use the opportunity to pitch to be a guest on someone’s podcast.


Getting featured as a podcast guest will:

  • give you the opportunity to further your reach outside of your already existing platforms by getting featured on their podcast AND the social media platforms that they promote the podcast on,
  • allow you to plug/pitch your latest product, lead magnet, or offer,
  • and will boost your portfolio or “featured on” website page where you can feature brand logos and credentials to further support your authority and expertise by being featured in your industry


Podcasts are great opportunities to showcase your gifts and it’s like getting promoted on 2 platforms for one! #winning

02. Pitch a social media collaboration to grow your business online

A social media collaboration is just a fancy pants phrase for working with someone on one of your social media platforms to achieve a common goal– in this instance: to grow your online business. So whether it’s visibility or profitability you’re after, pitching a social media collaboration is an easy way to do one or both and provides the same benefits as the podcast guest feature above.

An example of a social media collaboration is to swap social media posts with one another– like basically, you promote one of your friends in your feed and/or stories in exchange for them promoting you in theirs.

PS. I wrote a whole other blog post with Instagram contests and other examples over here if you need even more ideas.

03. Pitch yourself to guest blog

Are you a great writer and want to be known for writing? Pitch yourself to write guest blog posts for others!

This has all the same benefits as the podcast guest mentioned above AND is also awesome because some of the gigs are even paid!

Tip: if you’re not in a pinch for the dollars or are just starting out,  I would pitch to offer a guest blog post without asking or seeking compensation. The visibility and added reach is worth it IMHO 🙂

So now that you know the 3 things you can pitch, what do you actually need to know BEFORE you pitch anything?

Here’s what you need to know before you pitch a collaboration on social media so you don’t waste your time:

01. You need to know who their audience is before you pitch

Getting cross-promoted on someone else’s platform is a surefire way to get in front of new eyeballs, but if you want to see an ROI or legit following increase then you need to make sure that you are pitching to people who have a similar ideal client/audience.

Go to the profile page of the account you want to pitch a collaboration to and click their “followers” in the middle of their bio.

Browse the list of followers and check out the profiles of some to see if they appear to have the same attributes you’re looking for in an ideal client– Are they female? Do they live in a certain area? Do they have a business account? Looking for these answers will help confirm if their audience is your ideal audience.

You can also get a feel for who their ideal client is by visiting their website to learn more about who they’re speaking to, what problems they solve for their readers, and if they have similar messaging or offers. If you still aren’t sure– chances are they might not be a good fit.

02. You need to know what you want to happen before you pitch

Having a specific recommendation upfront allows you to also showcase your authority in the field instead of looking like a total newbie or having the awkward “I don’t know what do you want to do?” conversation like my husband and I have every time we have to decide where to eat🤦

Being assertive and specific is also especially helpful if the other party hasn’t ever collaborated.

So uh, what exactly should you be saying to pitch this collab from the get-go? I pulled some copy snippets from my own DM’s and put them together for you right here if you wanna grab ’em. Need even more tips? Keep on reading!

More tips to pitch a collaboration and get featured on social media:

  • If it’s an organization/larger team you’re pitching to, ask who the best contact is to reach out for partnership opportunities instead of word vomiting a novel in their DM from the start.
  • Address them by the owner’s name to make it personal and keep it short and sweet.
  • End with a question like “Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?” and how much you look forward to hearing from them either way!
  • Reply to old conversations in your DM’s if you still have them to show the thread of your previous relationship if it’s been a while since you reached out.
  • Share specific examples of the product or content you love– but make sure you look like a fan not a stalker!
  • Make sure you’ve engaged with them previously and frequently and didn’t just follow them just to pitch to them. Pitching to someone who you’ve previouslly commented on, DM’ed etc warms up the opportunity!
  • Be sincere, if it feels like you’re just reaching out to reach out, then you probably shouldn’t. Reach out to people you truly would LOVE to partner with.
  • Offer to “meet” online to discuss more details over Skype or Google Hangouts.
  • Reference mutual friends if you have mutual friends. (“Friends” as in real friends, not just “followers”)
  • Make sure your bio is on point and includes what you’re all about and includes a link to your website because it’ll be the first thing they look at if you’ve never chatted before!
  • Ask for logos so you can update your “as featured on” section and GIVE your logos so they can promote you on their site as well.
  • If you see one of your friend’s getting featured? Check out that account and ask to do something similar with them. Mutual friends always help or can even make an intro on your behalf.
  • Be enthusiastic, not stalkerish.
  • Post a caption or story that says you are accepting guest bloggers, new podcast features, etc and for those who want to write for you– ask if you can for them! That way they technically initiate the convo 🙂


And lastly, if you aren’t comfortable popping into their DM’s, grab their email address from their bio or website and shoot them an email instead.

This is also helpful to have as a backup plan too because people can’t see your messages if they don’t follow you or and they may choose to not accept messages from people they don’t follow. So if you really want to look extra professional go the email route!


Look, trust me… I know pitching can be intimidating ya’ll but, worst case?? They say no or don’t respond to you!

Getting new reach by collaborating is is one of the quickest, easiest, AND FREE, things we get to do on these internet streets to build fellowship, grow our biz, and steward these squares well! Don’t let fear, doubt, and other enemy-influenced thoughts hold you back from turning those God-given dreams into a reality, k??


And to make this even easier for you, I’ve pulled some copy snippets straight from my DM’s that have landed me some pretty sweet gigs. Pop your info in the below and you can plug and play these pitch snippets straight into your DM’s THIS week!!

Download your pitch pack now and cheers to getting featured!

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